
The game was played in my conservatory in May 2015. John and I played the Allies and Dave played the Germans

The heavy British guns outside Tebourba. All guns from Airfix


Some of the 2/13th Armoured Battalion in position north-west of Tebourba. Airfix Lees and Hasegawa M4 MMC


The rest of 2/13th watch the Germans in the distance


2 Kompanie 69 Panzergrenadier at La Champonaise. The German infantry garrisoned the farm for the entire game


KG Luder looks south


KG Hudel advances towards 2/13th Armored. Matchbox Pz-III and repainted Altaya Marder


A Panorama of the Allied defences NW of Tebourba


Allied defences guarding the road to Mejedz al Bab (point I). The Germans were destined never to challenge these defences. 25pdr is Airfix. The closest 3.7" is from Shell Hole and the further from the sadly defunct Moonlite Modelworks


Charge! 1/13th armoured makes its forlorn attack north, which would not end well for the Americans. However they would kill the Pz-III. Mostly Matchbox M3s, The Pz-III is a Matchbox conversion and the Tiger a repainted Diecast


Luftwaffe sweeps in. No damage was caused but the attack had a devastating effect on the Lees' morale


Stuarts start to take casualties


The Luftwaffe continues to persecute 2/13th


KG Hudel applies pressure on the 2/13th which starts to crumble


Some of the Lees' morale fails and they flee the battle


Although on of the 5.5" destroys a Pz-IV and forces the other to pull back the German pressure begins to tell and the crews abandon their guns


KG Koch approaches the Medjerda River. The Lees to the right earlier had a catastrophic morale failure and have been abandoned by their crews.


Many of the remaining Lees pull back demoralised. What you can't see is that the Germans are also having morale problems


KG Koch crosses the river but the East Surreys advance to intercept the Fallschirmjäger


The last of the Lees. By this point the Allies have pretty much prevented the Germans from winning and as the game stands they are in a position to win a decisive victory. To prevent a decisive victory  the Germans must rally their forces quickly.


East Surreys move to see off the lass of KG Koch


The end game. The Germans move their last remaining vehicle in good morale to the hill and the Allies send in their last remaining Lee. The Marder won the shoot-out leaving the Allies with a marginal victory


The Germans struggled somewhat in the game, Dave's moral rolls giving him grief. However the German excursion towards Tebourba was probably a mistake


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