Abbeville Pictures
The game was played at my house on 21/3/08 between Ian Armstrong and myself. For the first game Ian was the Allies and I the Germans, for the second we swapped places. The pictures below are a record of the first game only. All kit on display from my collection
Initial German positions with the 88mm of the Flakkampftrupp straddling the ridge to maximise its arcs of fire.
6 Batterie 157 AR defends the Chateaux. Revel gun.
348th CACC in its starting location in the orchard near Villiers-sur-Mareuil. Matchbox/Revel Char B1bis
349th CACC advances
B Coy of the Seaforths on their start line supported by an R35 (Ostmodels)
C Company on their start line
348th CACC over-runs a German panzerjäger position SW of the chateaux
C coy hurries to catch up with the 348th CACC
The 88mm (Hasegawa) fired ineffectually at the 349th CACC, only managing a force back result. The return fire from his compatriot shook up the crew and they ran for the rear. The Chars exploited the crew's morale failure by crushing the abandoned gun beneath their tracks.
Killer 3.7cm PaK (Matchbox). Against all the odds its destroyed two Char B's!
Seaforth's carrier platoon (Frontline) dismount next to a demoralised R-35, latterly attached to B Coy.
The 349th's poor morale rating eventually let it down and it withdrew from the battle shaken. Undeterred the men of C Coy press forward
The portee FlaK-30 of the Flakkampftrupp bounces shells off the approaching R-35. Although the shots failed to penetrate the R-35 crew panicked and fell back shaken.
The Luftwaffe arrives and rather ineffectually bombs C company causing a single casualty. Airfix Ju-87B
The Stuka attack helped panic the R-35 but the infantry shrugged off their losses and forged forward. Off picture to the left the 9Kp 217 IR has just finished mowing down both A & B Companies of the Seaforths
10 Kp 217IR launch a counter attack in to the flank of C Coy. However supporting fire from the newly arrived D Coy threw the German assault back.
C Coy reach the Chateaux as the Germans scrabble around to find reserves to force them back. The Germans only have a couple of turns to oust them
The Germans start to move 9kp but its too late in the game to make any difference. C Coy tenaciously hold on to their position by the chateaux gaining Ian a very big victory point total
When it was my turn to play the allies Ian deployed the Germans to cover the route along the side of the table he had exploited with C Coy. I grouped all my forces and pushed up the right of the table with everything I had. Despite a 4:1 local superiority the German fire from 9 Kp was withering and the British assault ground to a halt as pretty mush everyone failed their morale and fell back. On the last turn I raced the Seaforth's carrier up the road to the right. It was nailed by a PaK, but the infantry bailed out safely. By the end of the game I was in a winning position, IF both the Seaforth's carrier platoon and my last remaining R-35 passed their morale checks; unfortunately neither were in good situations and I had a 50% chance on both to pass. Both unfortunately failed so Ian was the winner.